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File Recovery Issue

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 11:34PM

Topic: File Recovery Issue
Posted By: bburgess
Subject: File Recovery Issue
Date Posted: 28 Dec 06 at 9:58AM

I have exited the program(freeware edition) in the middle of the creation of a large file.

When I come back into the program it starts to recover that file and basically makes the program useless. Is there any way to disable this recover feature so that I don't have to wait for the file to finish loading?




Posted By: bburgess
Date Posted: 28 Dec 06 at 10:04AM
Never mind. I've opened and closed the program several times and now the problem seems to be gone.
I still think this may be a good feature to be able to control, though.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 28 Dec 06 at 10:16AM

    Thanks for the update. Here is a little bit of background information for future reference or to help anybody else who may experience the same situation.

    The Postscript output from the printer is placed in the following folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp

    By aborting the process, that file is not deleted and next time you start PDF reDirect, it thinks it has to process that file as the latest file. Instead of exiting the program, select the file called "Printer Output" in the Merge List, and click the [-] button to delete it and stop the processing.

   If you instead exited PDF reDirect, what you can do is to go in the folder given above and delete the Postscript (.ps) and PDF (.pdf) files you will find inside. That should also fix this problem.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: bburgess
Date Posted: 28 Dec 06 at 10:32AM
Thank You

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