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Attachment as WIN.DAT

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Programming
Forum Discription: VBA and Batch Tools to control PDF reDirect Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 10:55PM

Topic: Attachment as WIN.DAT
Posted By: David_Carle
Subject: Attachment as WIN.DAT
Date Posted: 23 Aug 11 at 1:51PM
We have recently upgraded from PDF reDirect Pro 2.2.8 to 2.5.2 and are now having a problem whereby some recipients are claiming that they are receiving a win.dat file as the attachment instead of the PDF that was sent.
I have researched this online and have made the recommended changes to Outlook 2003 to set Tools - Options - Mail Format - Compose in this message format = HTML as well as Internet Format - Rich Text Options = Convert to HTML
However, this has not made any difference.
In addition, some recipients are claimimg that the emails they receive do not have any attachments.
Neither of these issues occurred on the old version, and indeed, the one PC that still runs the old version does not have these problems.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, David Carle

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 24 Aug 11 at 12:46AM
Hello David,

   I am sorry to hear of the problem.

   It's very odd: I have not heard of this problem before. Have you tried to confirm this by sending (CC or BCC) the e-mail to yourself? Are you using the MAPI or the SMTP e-mail component built into PDF reDirect Pro?

   I am asking because the MAPI (Outlook uses that) did not change between v2.2.8 and v2.5.2. However, the new SMTP component now supports unicode text - although I have not had any problems as a result of that change.

   Let me know!

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: David_Carle
Date Posted: 25 Aug 11 at 2:15PM
Hi Michel
Within Preferences, E-Mail, the Outgoing Mail Server Type is set to "Use MAPI"
Using the CC option shows the attachment fine.  The issue of the win.dat attachments seems to affect recipients who are not using Outlook as their email client, and applies when Outlook sends the email in Microsoft's Rich Text format which non MS mail clients can't understand.
Most of the users have reverted to the earlier version 2.2.8, and this seems to have solved the issue, so it does seem that there is some difference between the versions.  Anything else we can try?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 26 Aug 11 at 2:06AM

    Thanks for the update. I can't think of anything else to try, and added your feedback to my "todo" list for the next version (v2.5.5). In particular, checking to see if anything has changed from v2.2.8 and v2.5.2.

   For now, (unfortunately), v2.2.8 seems to be your best bet.

    Best regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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