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PDF Interface Error

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 7:29PM

Topic: PDF Interface Error
Posted By: bdlans
Subject: PDF Interface Error
Date Posted: 22 Sep 08 at 12:11PM
Pdf re-direct is an awesome program.  One of the best pdf print drivers I have used.  However, I am having a couple of problems.
1.  When printing multiple documents I cannot seem to change their order.  When trying to move them up or down in the Merge List nothing happens.
2.  Periodically the program crashes with the following error message:  User Interface for PDF reDirect has stopped working
I am using version 2.2.8 on a HP Laptop running Vista Home Premium sp1.
Any suggestions?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 22 Sep 08 at 5:32PM

   For changing the order, are you making sure to highlight the files you want to move first, and then using the up/Down buttons? If yes, are the selected files highlighted (ie a blue bar accross that file as background)?

   For the crashes - those are odd. Are there any patterns that you can tell of when the crashes occur - for example when I do XYZ.. then it crashes. Also - try waiting when you get this message. Large/complex files can take some time to get converted to a PDF, so if you clicked on the "Save" button or you added a new file to the Merge List by printing, sometimes the program is "busy" doing the conversion, and can become slow at responding to a mouse movement or click - and then Windows reports that it has crashed - while it may not have. If that occurs again, try waiting up to 2 minutes and see if it "comes back to life".

   Which version of Vista are you using? Vista32 or Vista64?

   Please let me know if these hints help, or not.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: bdlans
Date Posted: 22 Sep 08 at 10:35PM

Thanks for the response.

The files to be moved have been properly selected and highlighted.  They just don't seem to want to move up or down.  They can be deleted.
As for the crashes, there seems to be no consistent patten to this behavior.  I am not certain, but I believe that it occurs most often when saving the pdf to a network drive, as opposed to the local drive.  I'll continue to explore this.
Using Vista 32.
Thanks for the help.

Posted By: bdlans
Date Posted: 22 Sep 08 at 10:56PM
Quick follow-up on moving files.  I did a program uninstall and re-install.  This problem is now corrected.
I will let you know if the program crashing continues to be a problem.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 Sep 08 at 7:24AM

I am glad that a re-install fixed the problem. This is really weird though - I do not recall any past version that had this problem.

Anyway, thanks for the update. Hopefully the crashes will go away too.



Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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