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Install error number 5

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Installation Errors
Forum Discription: Installation Errors and Workarounds
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 11:12PM

Topic: Install error number 5
Posted By: vritsupport
Subject: Install error number 5
Date Posted: 31 Jan 07 at 11:08AM
Hi There
I am trying to install PDFRedirect and when I do it comes up witht he above error when trying to install the Port Monitor. I have tried installing as the local admin. Can you advise me how to fix the problem?
Many Thanks

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 01 Feb 07 at 11:03PM

    Sorry for the delay in my response.

    Error 5 is a Windows Error. The plain english equivalent is "Access is Denied" which can apply to a file (unlikely) or simply access to the registry, or a portion of the registry.

    I have researched every error message reported to me, and, although I never had anybody report "error 5" before, I do have one person that had an installation problem that was similar, and eventually was traced to a registry permission problem which was preventing him from installing the actual port instead of the Port Monitor. The following information fixed the problem for him (I hope it works for you too).

  • Log in as the Administrator. Although your account may be an "administrator" account, there may be a "per user" restriction against your user account which is preventing you from installing a printer, printer driver, port, or port monitor. What you can do is to login using the "real" administrator account as follows:
    • at the welcome screen, Press [CTRL]+[ALT]+[DEL] twice until the classical login window appears.
    • Type "Administrator" as the username.
    • Enter the Administrator's password.
    • Install PDF reDirect from this account

  • Check your registry permissions. Your account registry permissions (even though you are an administrator) may be preventing you from installing a printer. WARNING: Changing your registry settings can permanently casue your computer to stop working. Only proceed if you know what you are doing. We do not take responsibity for any damage that may be caused by following these instructions. Check your settings as follows:
    • Go to your "Start Menu" and select "Run"
    • Type "Regedit" and hit the [Enter] key
    • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print
    • Click the Edit >> Permissions menu
    • Make sure that your permissions give you "Full COntrol"

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: vritsupport
Date Posted: 02 Feb 07 at 11:24AM

Hi Michel

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I have tested your proposed fix but this does not resolve the issue. Currently ALL users have full control permissions over that registry key and still the same error occurs. As I say if I login as the local admin it also fails.

Please see the attached snapshot of the problem for information. Any further assistance you can provide will be very much appreciated.

Kind regards


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 02 Feb 07 at 12:51PM
Hello Simon,

   Does the error occur on all users, or just one? If the error occurs for all, then I would start looking at the user policies, and the group policies. Look for any policy restriction that might prevent the installation of printers, ports, or port monitors.

    Also, are you using the standard Windows policy editor, or are using a third party tool?

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: vritsupport
Date Posted: 05 Feb 07 at 7:00AM
Hi Michel
This is the only computer I have a problem installing the software on. There are no policies in place restricting installation of printers. Is there something further you can suggest? Would the error out be of use?
Many Thanks

Posted By: vritsupport
Date Posted: 06 Feb 07 at 9:09AM
To anyone who may be able to assist:
Please see the information below from the error output file:
Command Line is: -i -e -l1036
Language to use is: Francais
Checking for PDF reDirect.
Checking if PDF reDirect is already installed......IT IS NOT.
Attempting to remove old pdf reDirect Printer Driver......NOT THERE.
Attempting to remove old pdf reDirect Port Monitor......NOT THERE.
Installing PDF reDirect Port Monitor.
Error Occured as follows:
 - Error# =  0
 - DLLErr =  5
*      ERROR MESSAGE      *
Sorry. Installation of the PDF reDirect Port Monitor failed.
Error Number 5
You may not have access priviledges to install/remove printers.
Contact your computer administrator for help.
Installation will now quit.
*       MEMORY DUMP       *
pData() As Byte =
 0 = 0
End pData()
MyDriverInfo3 As DRIVER_INFO_3
  .cVersion As Long =  0
  .pConfigFile As String =
  .pDataFile As String =
  .pDefaultDataType As String =
  .pDependentFiles As String =
  .pDriverPath As String =
  .pEnvironment As String =
  .pHelpFile As String =
  .pMonitorName As String =
  .PName As String =
End MyDriverInfo3
MyPrinterInfo2() As PRINTER_INFO_2
  Index = 0
    .pPrinterName As String =
    .pDriverName As String =
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String =
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
  Index = 1
    .pPrinterName As String = Microsoft Office Document Image Writer
    .pDriverName As String = Microsoft Office Document Image Writer Driver
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String = Microsoft Document Imaging Writer Port:
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
  Index = 2
    .pPrinterName As String = hp cp1160
    .pDriverName As String = hp cp1160
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String = IP_10.17.4.73
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
End MyPrinterInfo2()
MyMonitorInfo2 As MONITOR_INFO_2
  .pDLLName = PDFreDirectMonNT.dll
  .pEnvironment =
  .PName = PDF reDirect Monitor
End MyMonitorInfo2
MyPrinterDefaults4Delete As PRINTER_DEFAULTS4Delete
  .pDatatype As Long = 0
  .DesiredAccess As Long = 983052
End MyPrinterDefaults
  .dwBuildNumber As Long = 2600
  .dwMajorVersion As Long = 5
  .dwMinorVersion As Long = 1
  .dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long = 0
  .dwPlatformId As Long = 2
  .szCSDVersion As String * 128 = Service Pack 2
End OSInfo
hPrinter As Long = 0
MyKey As String =
MyKeyString As String =
MyKeyValue As Long = 0
Result As Long = 0
MyError As String = Sorry. Installation of the PDF reDirect Port Monitor failed.
Error Number 5
You may not have access priviledges to install/remove printers.
Contact your computer administrator for help.
Installation will now quit.
Level As Long = 0
pNeeded As Long = 0
I As Long = 3
InstallPrinter As Boolean =  True
ShowErrors As Boolean =  True
System_Dir As String = C:\WINDOWS\system32\
MyUserAppPath As String = C:\Documents and Settings\SDauge\Application Data\PDF reDirect\
Monitor_DLL_Name As String = PDFreDirectMonNT.dll
Printer_Driver_Dir As String = C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\Drivers\Win 2K-XP\
System_Printer_Dir As String =
Generic Error Code as Long =  0
DLL Error Code as Long =  5

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 06 Feb 07 at 7:22PM
Bonjour vritsupport,

    Je ne savais pas que tu parles Francais! Smile

    Donc, l'erreur se produit sur la ligne de code qui demande au systeme d'expoitation Windows d'installer le moniteur de port (Port Monitor). L'erreur est donnee par Windows meme, et se produit fort probablement lorsque Windows essaye d'ecrire dans le registry.

    OK, je passe a l'anglais: je ne suis pas assez familier avec les termes techniques en Francais.

    So, instead of checking if you have sufficient permissions, let's try writing to the registry manually in the section where the Port Monitor entries are placed. Please be aware that modifying the registry can be dangerous, and can render your computer inoperable. Please proceed at your own risk. So, step-by-step:
  1. Start Menu >> Run... >> Type: "regedit" and press [Enter]
  2. In the registry editor, navigate to: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors
  3. With the "Monitors" folder selected, choose Menu "Edit" >> "New" >> "Key"
  4. Type a name for the key such as "Dummy"
  5. Select the "Dummy" key (folder) and choose Menu "Edit" >> "New" >> "String Value"
  6. Give the value the name "Driver"
  7. Double-click "Driver" and type "Mydriver.dll"
    OK, did all of that work OK or did you get an error message?
  • If you got an error message, then we have confirmed the section in the registry where Windows is not allowing writing to, and we know that is where the error is occuring.
  • If you do not get an error, then I need to do some more research.
    Anyway, get back to me with your results. If you did manage to create the registry entry, you can now delete it. Select the "Dummy" key (folder) and choose menu "Edit" >> "Delete".

    Thank you for your patience on this.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: vritsupport
Date Posted: 09 Feb 07 at 6:22AM
Hi Michel
Thank you for your continued efforts on this. I have tested creating a new key and string value as per your instructions and this was created without any difficulty. It seems the problem lies elsewhere.
I look forward to your response.
Kind Regards

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 09 Feb 07 at 8:45AM
Hi Simon,

    Thanks for checking. I will do a bit more research to see where else files or the registry is written to. I have a registry monitor that should help me figure that out.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 12 Feb 07 at 1:31AM
Hi Simon,

    So, I installed the Files and Registry Monitors (FileMon and RegMon) to see what is going on while the Port Monitor is installed. There were fewer entries that were created that I was expecting. This is what I got:

  • Writing to Files by the Installer
    • The file "PDF reDirectMonNT.dll is copied from the installer to C:\Windows\System32
  • Writing to Files by the Windows Print Spooler
    • C:\localmon.log (check to see if that file exists on your computer - although you probably do not have it as this is a port monitor log which I use for myself and should not be part of your installation package).
    • C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system.LOG
  • Writing to the Registry by the Windows Print Spooler
    • CreateKey
      • HKCU\Printers\DevModePerUser
      • Result: SUCCESS
      • Access: 0x2001F
    • OpenKey
      • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor\Ports
      • Result: NOT FOUND
    • CreateKey   
      • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor   
      • Result: SUCCESS
    • SetValue       
      • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor\Driver   
      • Result: SUCCESS
      • Value: "PDFreDirectMonNT.dll"   

    Please check that you can write to the following:
  1. FILE: C:\
  2. FILE: C:\Windows\System32
  3. REGISTRY: HKCU\Printers\DevModePerUser
    The following you have already confirmed that you can write to:
  1. REGISTRY: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors
  2. REGISTRY: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor
    Let me know how you make out. Thanks!

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: vritsupport
Date Posted: 13 Feb 07 at 11:15AM


I am able to create all of these items manually. However the installation application still fails in the same location.

To clarify:

- The file PDF reDirectMonNT.dll  was already in C:\Windows\System32

- HKCU\Printers\DevModePerUser - This registry key was already created
- The following entries did NOT exist in the registry:
  • OpenKey
    • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor\Ports
    • Result: NOT FOUND
  • CreateKey   
    • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor   
    • Result: SUCCESS
  • SetValue       
    • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PDF reDirect Monitor\Driver   
    • Result: SUCCESS
    • Value: "PDFreDirectMonNT.dll"   

    So it appears to suggest this is the area it is failing on. As I have previously said I can create all of these entries manually without problems. So there are no permissions issues here.

    Many thanks for your continued assistance.





  • Posted By: Michel_K17
    Date Posted: 14 Feb 07 at 12:45AM
    Hi Simon,

        Sorry to hear that we are not making any progress. Are you installing using a user account with "Administrator" priviledges, or are you using the account called "administrator"? that is:
    • at the welcome screen, Press [CTRL]+[ALT]+[DEL] twice until the classical login window appears.
    • Type "Administrator" as the username.
    • Enter the Administrator's password.
    • Install PDF reDirect from this account
       Another thing to check: the program gives the error on the following line of code when calling the Windows API library call to install the Port Monitor: [ - AddMonitor ]. One of the requirement for this Windows function to work is that the user  "must have the - SeLoadDriverPrivilege " priviledge (user can Load and unload device drivers), so we should check that too, via the Start Menu >> Programs >> Administrative Tools >> Local Security Policy Settings >> User Rights Assignments >> Load and unload device drivers should be set to "Administrators". Is it set correctly?

        Apart from that, I am starting to run out of ideas. Unhappy



    Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
    EXP Systems LLC

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