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Installation error 127

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Installation Errors
Forum Discription: Installation Errors and Workarounds
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 10:06PM

Topic: Installation error 127
Posted By: kaithomas
Subject: Installation error 127
Date Posted: 12 Jul 06 at 7:09AM
I tried to install PDF Redirect. I am member of the local administrator group. I got this in the install_log file:
Error Number 127

You may not have access priviledges to install/remove printers.
Contact your computer administrator for help.

Installation will now quit.
Any suggestions are very welcome!

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 13 Jul 06 at 1:18AM

   Sorry to hear of the problem. This is the first time I have heard of this error number. When the error occured, you should (hopefully) have had a text file open automatically with the entire error log. Could you send me that please?

   If it does not appear, you can try looking for it manually. It should be a text file in the same folder where the installation program is located. It will be called "Installation_Error_Log.txt"

    By the way, Error 127 is a generic "Procedure Not Found" error, which is why I need the log. You can send to me by e-mail to exp[at]



Posted By: kaithomas
Date Posted: 11 Aug 06 at 6:13AM
Hello Michel

Problem still exists, also there was a long delay since my first post.

However, there is no dialog opened automatically, and there is even no such text file.

I am working under Windows NT - is PDFDirect supposed to work under NT?


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 12 Aug 06 at 12:16AM

   Yes, I dropped Windows NT support at the last version. I even recently removed the Windows NT link to that older version because so few people were using it. On the other hand, Windows 9x users still form 15% of my users, so that version of Windows will continue to be supported for now. Windows NT users were down to about 0.4%.

   Anyway, you should find that v2.0.16 will install and work OK. It is available here:

PDF reDirect (freeware): - here

PDF reDirect Professional: - here


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: kaithomas
Date Posted: 16 Aug 06 at 1:42AM

It is not the first time that I have to say: support is superb!

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