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Resize Window

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 11:37PM

Topic: Resize Window
Posted By: aram
Subject: Resize Window
Date Posted: 12 Apr 06 at 1:26PM

I'd like to be able to resize the window of your application, but I can only get so far and it won't get any smaller...use pdfRedirectPro (registered and licensed)

I noticed a setting in the ini file, but it doesn't seem to affect this function...We use this in tandem with other programs and need to switch easily between windows, line them up side by side, etc.

Also...anyway to customize the toolbar..mainly to remove things like FTP and e-mail?

Thanks as always for a great product.


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 12 Apr 06 at 11:27PM
Hi there,

   Yes indeed, I am limiting the minimum size of the window such that I can still display all of the controls, and ensure that they still appear reasonably usable.

   If you want, I could remove for you that limitation immediately to see what happens (it might get "funny looking"). Let me know if this is really important to you

   As for the ini values: the program remembers the last window position/size, but it won't let you make it smaller than the limit I have imposed.

   The toolbar (mode bar) is indeed removed for the freeware version, so I could add an option to turn it off in the Pro version too if you wanted: I had never thought of that. I have added your request to my "todo" list for the next version (available in the fall at the earliest).

   Thank you for your kind remarks!


Posted By: ezikursh
Date Posted: 20 Jul 06 at 5:02PM


I too would like to be able to turn off the Toolbar in the Pro version.  Add one more vote for that ability in the next release!  I would also like to be able to turn off (or on) the Security, Stamps and Attachments panels from either the Preferences panel or from an 'ini' file.  I have relatively inexperienced users and reducing the 'incorrect choices' that they could make (incorrect for for our needs anyway) would be useful. Thanks for a GREAT program!

Ed Zikursh

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 24 Jul 06 at 3:33PM

Hello Ed,

   Good news: the latest Beta (v2.1.900) available on the forum already has an option that will allow you to remove the toolbar. For the rest, I am looking at implementing an "administrator tool" that will allow IT administrators to tweak the user interface just as you suggested.

   Thanks for the nice comments!


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