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Batch printer ini file location

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Programming
Forum Discription: VBA and Batch Tools to control PDF reDirect Pro
Printed Date: 16 Feb 25 at 12:38PM

Topic: Batch printer ini file location
Posted By: John
Subject: Batch printer ini file location
Date Posted: 11 Apr 06 at 4:35PM

Hi Michel,

When using batch printers I want to use these settings for everyone on the terminal server (or using the shared pdf printer). In version 2.1.x the ini file is saved in the app path of the user profile. Normally I think you want to let only the administrator change the settings.

Why not make a setting in the central INI file to point to the Batch printer INI files?

Can't wait for fall 2006!


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 14 Apr 06 at 1:26AM
Good point. I've added this to the list. Thanks!

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