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Critcal error at startup

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Installation Errors
Forum Discription: Installation Errors and Workarounds
Printed Date: 02 Dec 24 at 1:07AM

Topic: Critcal error at startup
Posted By: jerson
Subject: Critcal error at startup
Date Posted: 21 Mar 06 at 11:12AM
I am new to this forum, so if this message is inappropriate, please excuse me.
I have been using the free version for some time now.  Recently, I purchased a HP 3940 inkjet printer.  After this event, I noticed that PDFR has started throwing errors.  I am not sure if the other driver is causing this problem.  But, the error says Error = 50003.  Description= Unexpected error. DLL error = 0 I am unable to nail this problem.  Can anyone of you help me out?

Posted By: jerson
Date Posted: 21 Mar 06 at 11:29AM
Sorry, I missed out on the OS.  It is Win98SE.  I can now confirm that the hp driver has nothing to do with the error as I tried to reproduce it on WinXP.

Posted By: jerson
Date Posted: 23 Mar 06 at 11:55PM
Problem fixed.  I re-installed the OS and things are now working fine.  Still I am curious to know what gave in.  OCX, DLL what?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 25 Mar 06 at 2:39PM

Yes, Windows can be become a big spaghetti mess sometimes! I do not know what could have caused the problem. Unfortunately, Error 50003 is: "Application-defined or object-defined error" which does not tell us much.

   Glad to hear that it is working again though.


Posted By: jerson
Date Posted: 26 Mar 06 at 10:31PM
Hi Michel
Thanks for your reply.  The problem has to do with some OCX / DLL as I was trying out various programs from a magazine CD.  Perhaps, something somewhere got disturbed / overwritten without my knowledge.  Now, I have got the thing working again and hey - the new version is really nice.

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