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Merging PDF with VBS script

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Programming
Forum Discription: VBA and Batch Tools to control PDF reDirect Pro
Printed Date: 14 Jan 25 at 1:42AM

Topic: Merging PDF with VBS script
Posted By: smisich
Subject: Merging PDF with VBS script
Date Posted: 20 Apr 11 at 12:34AM
I need to be able to merge PDF's using VBS script.
Can someone send me the code for it?
I tried this but it comes up with a "expected end of statement error oin the first line"
    Dim oPDF As New PDF_reDirect_v25002.Batch_RC_AXD
    Dim Files_to_Merge(1) As String
    Dim TempBool As Boolean
    ' Files to Merge
Files_to_Merge(0) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD01_Income Budget Executive Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(1) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD02_Broking Branch Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
    With oPDF
        TempBool = .Utility_Merge_PDF_Files("Y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\Merged_Files.pdf", Files_to_Merge)
        If Not TempBool Then
            ' NOTES ON ERROR CODES for oPDF.ErrorLastDLL
            ' 401 - One of the Input File could not be opened
            ' 410 - One of the Input File could not be decrypted
            MsgBox "An Error Occured: " & .LastErrorDescription & vbCrLf & _
                     "Error Number =" & Str$(.LastErrorNumber) & vbCrLf & _
                     "DLL Error Number =" & Str$(.ErrorLastDLL), _
            MsgBox "Merge Successful.", vbInformation
        End If
    End With
    Set oPDF = Nothing

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 20 Apr 11 at 10:53PM
HI there,

   My recommendation would be to check that the VBA code runs in Excel or Word before trying it out in VBS. For example, make sure that the component is properly registered. The error on the first line seems to imply that the ActiveX is not registered.

   Another possibility is to find out if VBS supports early binding. Perhaps you could try a late binding alternative (ie Dim oPDF as Object, and then use the CreateObject function).

   I am not very familiar with VBS (apart from the similarity to VBA), but those are the only two things that comes to my mind concerning what you are describing.

   Best regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: smisich
Date Posted: 21 Apr 11 at 4:04AM
it works with excel. however I need it in a vbs script so that I can schedule it to run in a sql server scheduled job.
WHEN RUNNING THIS it says that there is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error (25, 8) : Type mismatch: 'Utility_Merge_PDF_Files'
any idea why?

Dim Files_to_Merge(12) 
Dim TempBool
Dim oPDF
TempBool =FALSE
set oPDF = CREATEOBJECT("PDF_reDirect_v25002.Batch_RC_AXD")
  ' Files to Merge
Files_to_Merge(0) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD01_Income Budget Executive Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(1) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD02_Broking Branch Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(2) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD03_Non Broking Branch Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(3) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD04_Income Type Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(4) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD05_Retained Income Comparison Executive Income Budget Comparison.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(5) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD06_Retained Income Cumulative Year on Year Comparison.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(6) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD07_Segment Split for Broking Branches Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(7) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD08_New New Business Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(8) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD09_Base Service Margin Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(9) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD10_Document Charge Service Margin Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(10) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD11_Referral Partner Executive Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(11) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD12_Group Override Executive Income Budget Summary.PDF"
Files_to_Merge(12) = "y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\201102\IBD13_Broking Branches Premium Budget.PDF"

With oPDF
       Set   TempBool = .Utility_Merge_PDF_Files("Y:\Reporting\Budget Reports\2012\Report PDFs\Executive Summary2011\Merged_Files.pdf", Files_to_Merge)
       IfNot TempBoolThen
            ' NOTES ON ERROR CODES for oPDF.ErrorLastDLL
            ' 401 - One of the Input File could not be opened
            ' 410 - One of the Input File could not be decrypted
          MsgBox"An Error Occured: " & .LastErrorDescription & vbCrLf & _
                     "Error Number =" & CStr(.LastErrorNumber) & vbCrLf & _
                     "DLL Error Number =" & CStr(.ErrorLastDLL), _
           MsgBox"Merge Successful.", vbInformation
    Set oPDF = Nothing

Posted By: smisich
Date Posted: 21 Apr 11 at 4:05AM

im getting a
Microsoft VBScript runtime error (25, 8) : Type mismatch: 'Utility_Merge_PDF_Files'

in idea why?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 22 Apr 11 at 1:13AM
Try defining your array as a string array like this:

Dim Files_to_Merge(12) as String

Also, it's possible that VBS does not accept datatypes in declarations (I am not sure). If that is the case, you may want to try to coerce your array to a string type.

Unfortunately, I do not know how to do coersion in VBS.

Anyway, the method
Utility_Merge_PDF_Files is expecting a string array.

I hope that helps,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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