Error 75
Printed From:
Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Installation Errors
Forum Discription: Installation Errors and Workarounds
Printed Date: 03 Oct 24 at 5:54AM
Topic: Error 75
Posted By: jspencer
Subject: Error 75
Date Posted: 22 Feb 11 at 5:29PM
Hi. I'm trying to install PDFRedirect on a Windows 7 32 bit machine. I'm getting the following error:
Sorry. An error occured while Resolve APPDATA Folder - Error Number = 75: Path/File access error - DLL Error Number = 0: The operation completed successfully.
I've tried rebooting, along with restarting the print spooler to no luck. Also tried searching the forum yet haven't seen this error message have a help topic yet.
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 22 Feb 11 at 10:38PM
Sorry to hear of the problem.
You are right: I have no record of this error having been reported before, even in the customer support database.
Does the error occur during the installation, or after (ie when trying to run the program or create a PDF)?
Can you check if the following folder exists on your computer? C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming
Note: Substitute your name for "USERNAME"
------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC
Posted By: jspencer
Date Posted: 23 Feb 11 at 11:22AM
This is happening during the installation of the program. I did check and that folder does exist with a PDFRedirect subfolder inside of it. The full installation error log is as follows:
Command Line is: -i -l1033 -e Language to use is: English Checking for PDF reDirect. Resolve APPDATA Folder An Error Occured. Try resetting the Print Spooler Service. (Error = 75/0) Open the Service Control Manager Stop Print Spooler Service...SUCCESS Re-start Printer Spooler Service...SUCCESS Resolve APPDATA Folder Error Occured as follows: - Error# = 75 - DLLErr = 0 *************************** * ERROR MESSAGE * *************************** Sorry. An error occured while Resolve APPDATA Folder - Error Number = 75: Path/File access error - DLL Error Number = 0: The operation completed successfully.
You can try the following: 1. Reboot your computer and then try installing again, or 2. Restart the Print Spooler Service and then try installing again.
If the error persists, you may not have permission to install/remove printers. You can: 1. Contact your computer administrator for help, or 2. Visit the forum on our web site for help.
Do you want to visit our support forum for help on installation errors? *************************** * MEMORY DUMP * *************************** pData() As Byte = 0 = 0 End pData() MyDriverInfo3 As DRIVER_INFO_3 .cVersion As Long = 0 .pConfigFile As String = .pDataFile As String = .pDefaultDataType As String = .pDependentFiles As String = .pDriverPath As String = .pEnvironment As String = .pHelpFile As String = .pMonitorName As String = .PName As String = End MyDriverInfo3 MyPrinterInfo2() As PRINTER_INFO_2 Index = 0 .pPrinterName As String = .pDriverName As String = .pServerName As String = .pShareName As String = .pPortName As String = .pLocation As String = .pComment As String = End MyPrinterInfo2() MyMonitorInfo2 As MONITOR_INFO_2 .pDLLName = .pEnvironment = .PName = End MyMonitorInfo2 MyPrinterDefaults4Delete As PRINTER_DEFAULTS4Delete .pDatatype As Long = 0 .DesiredAccess As Long = 0 End MyPrinterDefaults OSInfo As OSVERSIONINFO .dwBuildNumber As Long = 7600 .dwMajorVersion As Long = 6 .dwMinorVersion As Long = 1 .dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long = 148 .dwPlatformId As Long = 2 .szCSDVersion As String * 128 = End OSInfo 64bit CPU = 0 hPrinter As Long = 0 MyKey As String = MyKeyString As String = MyKeyValue As Long = 0 Result As Long = 19 MyError As String = Sorry. An error occured while Resolve APPDATA Folder - Error Number = 75: Path/File access error - DLL Error Number = 0: The operation completed successfully.
You can try the following: 1. Reboot your computer and then try installing again, or 2. Restart the Print Spooler Service and then try installing again.
If the error persists, you may not have permission to install/remove printers. You can: 1. Contact your computer administrator for help, or 2. Visit the forum on our web site for help.
Do you want to visit our support forum for help on installation errors? Level As Long = 0 pNeeded As Long = 0 I As Long = 0 InstallPrinter As Boolean = True ShowErrors As Boolean = True System_Dir As String = C:\Windows\system32\ MyUserAppPath As String = C:\Users\claudia.baquero\AppData\Roaming\PDF reDirect\ Monitor_DLL_Name As String = PDFreDirectMonNT.dll Printer_Driver_Dir As String = C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\Drivers\Win 2K-XP\ System_Printer_Dir As String = Generic Error Code as Long = 75 DLL Error Code as Long = 0
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 Feb 11 at 11:25PM
Thanks for the update, and for confirming that the folder exists.
Is there anything (files or folders) inside that PDF reDirect folder? If it's empty, then try to create a folder inside. Do you get an error message?
Thanks for helping me troubleshoot!
------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC
Posted By: jspencer
Date Posted: 24 Feb 11 at 11:32AM
In the PDF reDirect folder is 3 folders and the Prefs_v2.ini file
The folders are as follows:
Batch_Printers - Nothing is in this folder Stamps - A bunch of .ini .pdf and .txt files Temp - Thumbnails folder (nothing inside)
Inside I can create and delete folders with no error in doing so.
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 25 Feb 11 at 8:18AM
That helps. Thanks. I'll provide an update later today (I need to review the code one more time).
------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC
Posted By: jspencer
Date Posted: 01 Mar 11 at 11:07AM
I'm just checking back to see if you've made any progress. I appreciate you looking into this issue for me
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 01 Mar 11 at 10:42PM
Sorry, but no. I was traveling on a business trip, and had a long set of meeting yesterday and today. Hopefully tomorrow.
Thanks for your understanding.
------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC
Posted By: jspencer
Date Posted: 02 Mar 11 at 2:25PM
The issue has been resolved actually. I ended up uninstalling the program and deleting all instances of the PDF Redirect folder under the user accounts and then went and reinstalled the program and it seems to be working normally again. Thanks for all the help though
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 03 Mar 11 at 7:42AM
Great news! Thanks for letting me know.
------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC