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How to create a Language File

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 13 Dec 24 at 9:21AM

Topic: How to create a Language File
Posted By: Michel_K17
Subject: How to create a Language File
Date Posted: 12 Jan 06 at 12:15AM
PDF reDirect Pro v2 can support different languages. You can create new languages by editing an Excel File, and saving the changes to a text file for immediate testing. If you do plan on creating a new language file, please let me know (in case someone else has already started).

we are currently looking for a Spanish translation

  1. Download the Zipped Excel File. Click [ - HERE ]
  2. Unzip the Excel File
  3. Place the Excel File in the following folder: C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\Language
  4. Open the Excel (Translator.xls) File. NOTE: You must allow macros to run in order to load/save the language text files.
  5. Create the new language file and Save it (see the instructions inside the Excel File)
  6. Start PDF reDirect Pro
  7. Go to "PReferences" and select your new language file for testing.

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