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Default printer

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 6:39PM

Topic: Default printer
Posted By: accountsman
Subject: Default printer
Date Posted: 16 Nov 10 at 10:18AM
Is there a way of stopping PDF Pro hijacking the 'default printer' role once it's been used?
I have a Kyocera laser, HP inkjet plus PDF Pro installed, with the Kyocera as my main (and set as 'default') printer. When I've used PDF Pro it almost always then sets itself as the default printer; which is irritating when you're working to tight deadlines and can't be doing with glitches interrupting the work flow! I often have to mix PDF printing for attachments with hard copy printing for letters, accounts etc. Maybe it's trying to be helpful!  But the hard copy printing is always the bulk of the work flow so I need the printer choice to always revert to MY default setting, not have it reset.
PS I'm on Windows XP SP2.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 16 Nov 10 at 8:50PM

   I'll take a look to see if I can duplicate the problem. I do know that I would not have coded this to happen - and I agree, I can well imagine that this would be irritating.

   I have a test machine setup with Win XP SP2, so I'll take a look, and let you know if I can duplicate or fix the problem.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 16 Nov 10 at 11:12PM
Hi Accountsman,

   Unfortunately, I am not experiencing the problem you are describing. I set the default printer as my laser printer (via the Start menu >> Settings >> Printers), then, I printed (the laser printer is auto-selected) and I manually choose PDF reDirect. I saved, and exit PDF reDirect. I then confirmed that the default printer did not change. I checked Windows XP and Windows 7.

Can you confirm a couple of things for me?

   1. Which version of PDF reDirect are you using? (the latest is v2.5.0. The number is located in the program, above the "Save" button).

   2. Do you go through the Start Menu >. Settings >> Printers to set the default printer?

   Thanks. Hopefully we can figure out the mystery.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: accountsman
Date Posted: 17 Nov 10 at 5:17AM
Thanks for your prompt reply.
My version is 2.1.12.
I have a shortcut to the printer folder on my desktop and I usually use that to setup or override the default if I need to.
However, if I'm in the middle of a workflow and need to print a PDF, I go to the 'file' menu in the document, choose:  'print...' , so I have the list of printers to choose from, then choose PDF Pro. Maybe that's the trigger?
..later... did the above, ie choosing the printer from the file menu list, the default was then changed for the next job! So it must be to do with how the printer is selected.... just paused this and tried printing a doc choosing my HP instead of the Kyocera - now the HP has snaffled the default. So it is obviously XP not your software's problem.
So sorry to have wasted your time.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 18 Nov 10 at 12:12AM

   No worries - Hopefully you can find a fix. I did a google search for "default printer changes" and I got a lot of hits right away for Windows 2000 & Windows XP. It sounds like you are not alone.

   My recommendation for PDF reDirect Pro would be to upgrade to v2.5.0 (which is a free upgrade for all registered users anyway). I think you will find it to be quite a bit better than v2.1.12.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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