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pdf rendering error

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 19 Jan 25 at 3:29AM

Topic: pdf rendering error
Posted By: jimh
Subject: pdf rendering error
Date Posted: 21 Oct 10 at 12:32PM
We are using PDF reDirect Pro and are encountering a rendering error on certain of our drawings.  We upgraded yesterday to reDirect v2.5.0 and have the same problem.  Our work around is to print the page that encounters the error using a different pdf printer and then merge with other pages using PDF reDirect, but this obviously involves additional steps we would like to avoid.

Background:  we are using Softplan (a home design CAD package) and print to PDF reDirect.   On certain drawings that are sized to ARCH D paper size (other output sizes do not have the problem) there appears 2 to 3 large circles that touch at a single point (the circles are not part of the drawing).  

Do you have any ideas how to trouble shoot this problem?
What is the version of GhostPrint that you distribute with PDF reDirect and should I try to update that version if it is not the latest?  How do I upgrade GhostPrint?



Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 22 Oct 10 at 8:47AM

   I am traveling today, and will post a full reply late today.

   Symptoms are very weird, and yes, an upgrade to the conversion engine might do the trick for you. I'll post upgrade instructions.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 Oct 10 at 11:47PM

   OK, so what you want is the latest version of GhostScript (not GhostPrint). Please download/install the following version of Ghostscript from [ - here ]. This version is v9.00.

   Once installed, run PDF reDirect via the Start menu, then go into the Preferences, and choose to browse [...] for the AFPL version of Ghostscript. It should automatically find the new version of Ghostscript you installed. Select that.

   Exit the Preferences, and exit out of PDF reDirect.

   Now try to create a new PDF. Does the problem still occur?

   I hope this helps.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: jimh
Date Posted: 24 Oct 10 at 10:35AM
Very Interesting.

With the latest AFPL GhostScript installed (PDF reDirect looked for the AFPL gs dll at program files\gs.  I actually found it at program files\gs\gs9.00\bin) I seem to get a windows error:

"Data Processor for PDF reDirect has encountered a problem and needs to close...."

whenever I print from Softplan with any design file, not just the file that has displayed the multiple circle problem that I first reported.  I tried using PDF reDirect to print other items such as word file and a browser page with the new ghostscript engine and they printed without problem.

For what it is worth, I am currently testing on a XP Pro machine with pdf reDirect free since I am testing at home.  This environment produces the same multiple circle error as our office machine does with the gnu ghostprint engine.  Our office machine is running reDirect Pro on Vista.  I could try the same test on our office machine if you think that would be useful.


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 24 Oct 10 at 7:03PM

    Interesting indeed.

    Considering that v9.00 is the new/first in the v9 series, you could try instead the last of the v8 series (v8.71). It's located [ - here ].

   I will say that it is possible for a program to send "bad" commands that can trip Ghostscript. Of course, that's usually rare, but I have seen some of that in the Windows 98 days.

   I suspect that your office machine will give the same result, and I would rather we try v8.71 first.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: jimh
Date Posted: 24 Oct 10 at 9:21PM
I removed GhostScript v9.00 and installed v8.71--same error  'Data processor for PDF reDirect....."

I have tried a few other of my Softplan files and some files will print although most of them encounter the error. 

Thanks for your suggestions


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 24 Oct 10 at 10:34PM
Hi Jim

   OK, thanks.

   If you want to attempt to differentiate between PDF reDirect and other Ghostscript-based PDF creators, you could try PDF995, CutePDF or PDF Creator.

   Also, (just curious), in the original version of PDF reDirect... The three circles - do they appear in the preview and when opened in the PDF Reader, or just one or the other. FYI: the preview in PDF reDirect is generated using the FoxIt technology.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: jimh
Date Posted: 24 Oct 10 at 11:35PM
I tried cutepdf 2.7 (uses GPL GhostScript 8.71 engine) that was already on my computer and the same circles appear on the output when I size the output to ARCH D paper size.  (With CutePDF I need to save the output to a file then view via Acrobat reader).

The circles appear in the PDF reDirect preview window as well as Acrobat reader.  The real baffling curiosity is that it only seems to appear when I print to ARCH D paper size, all the other paper sizes that I have tried, render just fine.  Why would it produce the circles at only one paper size, I would think that is just a scaling factor.


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 25 Oct 10 at 8:27AM

   What you could do is to manually create two additional ARCH D paper sizes. If you go into PDF reDirect, choose the green Preferences >> Properties. There, you have the option of creating new paper sizes.

   - Try to create a new ARCH D, but call it something else.
   - Also, create an additional one that is 1mm narrower.

Finally, re-print the drawing with the problem on these alternate paper sizes. We'll be able to see if the problem is the size or the name of the paper size.

   Maybe a bit far fetched, but one never knows.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: jimh
Date Posted: 25 Oct 10 at 1:08PM
Hi Michel

Thanks for your help, patience and suggestions.

I returned to the GNU GhostScript to do these tests, I also needed to remove (using add/remove programs) the GhostScript 8.71 before the Windows 'Data Process' error message went away; simply changing the engine to GNU GhostScript on the preferences tab did not get rid of the windows error message

I tried a different name for the paper size, but the circles remained.

Then I took your suggestion on physical paper size to heart and did a number of tests:

The first was to set the page height to 48" and do various widths with the 'fit to sheet' scaling option checked (this option scales the drawing to make maximum use of the sheet).  The error occurs for widths between 21.2" to 27.1"

The second was to print to ARCH E (36 x 48) but use an exact scale of 0.25" = 1'; The error was still present.  (Obviously, this rendered as a D size drawing centered on an E size sheet).  If I print to ARCH E with the 'fit to sheet' option checked, there is no error.

I then printed to ARCH D (24 x 36) and adjusted the print scale.  The error occurred until I reduced to scale to 0.22"=1'  This resulted in a drawing with very large margins.

I can only conceive of some combination of a weird character in the file with an actual printed size (why would the pdf engine be the least bit concerned with the physical print size??)

Thank You


Posted By: jimh
Date Posted: 26 Oct 10 at 12:08PM
Hi Michel

Fixed:  Turns out to be an old problem with Softplan and pdf print engines, although the problem usually is a line drawn too long and not circles--that confused me.  Up until recently, printing to 600dpi was the 'fix',  on this drawing it seems I need to adjust the dpi to 300 on the printer properties>advanced settings.  I am not sure what impact the 'Printer Output Settings' in PDF reDirect has on this issue, I have always left that in the 'good' setting.

I will need to experiment to make sure that 300dpi always fixes the problem and that the resolution is sufficient for our needs.  Thanks for all your help and suggestions--it definitely led me to a solution.  I am unsure where the problem lies--with softplan or print engines, I would think at this time, Softplan------but if it IS Softplan, why does the dpi setting on the printer have any impact?  One would (naively) think that the 'error' would print the same no matter what the dpi setting is.

We love your product, has made our print services hugely more productive!


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 26 Oct 10 at 11:05PM
Hi Jim,

   Great news! Thanks for letting me know the final outcome.

   I will say that the higher the resolution, the more memory is needed to create the output, and some programs have problems handling that situation. However, usually the symptom is the output turns out to be partially blank, rather than additional output.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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