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Interleave 2 documents

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Programming
Forum Discription: VBA and Batch Tools to control PDF reDirect Pro
Printed Date: 02 Dec 24 at 2:10AM

Topic: Interleave 2 documents
Posted By: joeglo
Subject: Interleave 2 documents
Date Posted: 16 Aug 10 at 7:21PM
Is there a way to interleave (alternate pages) two pdf documents to merge into one?  I need to scan double sided documents but the document feeder on my scanner will only do one side at a time.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 17 Aug 10 at 12:39AM

   Possibly. If you can scan to one PDF  per page, you can then place them all in the Merge List and adjust the order to reconstruct the original document.

   Obviously, this will work only if this is a short document. If it's 100's of pages, then it would not be a fun job. There is no "built-in" command for what you are asking: the thought never crossed my mind.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: LittleMonkey
Date Posted: 08 Mar 11 at 2:28PM
I ran into the same problem and found this Java script code for Adobe Acrobat if you happen to use this software. Save the script file in "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Javascripts" depending on the version you're using.
  1. Scan your odd pages in which will usually be 1,3,5...etc. Then your even pages ...6,4,2 (reverse order).
  2. Reverse the order of your even pages file by opening the document in AA, click Tools. Then Reverse. Save it. Close it.
  3. Open up the odd pages file. Click Tools. Then Collate. You'll be prompted for the even pages file. Voila! You have a properly ordered merged PDF doc.
You can find the code;jsessionid=EEE18E41F92E3921E9BCC4DF41B2595D.node0 - here which I got from this Adobe - forum .

Posted By: SunLight
Date Posted: 24 Aug 11 at 5:33AM
U can make all the necessary setting in FineReader before scanning and later to correct everything what you want.

Excellent and progressive - mobile app development

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