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PDF reDirect v3.0 Feature Requests

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: PDF reDirect Pro Beta
Forum Discription: Beta Download, Comments, & Feature Requests for the future
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 6:27PM

Topic: PDF reDirect v3.0 Feature Requests
Posted By: Michel_K17
Subject: PDF reDirect v3.0 Feature Requests
Date Posted: 11 Jul 10 at 9:50AM


   Please vote for what you would like to see as your top 1 or top 2 priority features (please do not vote for everything as the above are all on my list).

   The poll will only allow you to select one item, but you can vote more than once. I am asking that you vote no more than twice please.


   Also, my personal "todo" list is quite a bit longer. I have some various user interface improvements in the works, so try to think about the next "big thing".

   Please keep in mind that Question #1 would likely be either a different product or add-on to PDF reDirect Pro, and that I would charge for that capability.

   Thank you for your feedback.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: MrX1980
Date Posted: 05 Sep 10 at 7:05AM
- selection for the installation path
- selection for the path for the start menu symbols (!)

- "address field" for the "saving" directory, so we can copy and paste the path

- "Overwrite Existing File (Give Warning)" should be the default value after installation

... to be continued

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 05 Sep 10 at 8:53AM

   Thanks for the feedback. I have some good news for you on a couple of items.

   I actually removed the selection of the installation path in the installer UI, because Microsoft's latest requirements for programmers prohibits that programs not be installed in the Program Files directory for Vista and Win 7. In particular, their new structure help segregate 32 from 64 bit programs. Also, if it's in the right folder on Win XP, it helps with the upgrade from Win XP to Win 7.

    However (good news), you can still specify a custom location via the command line by using the "/D" switch for Windows XP installations (see below for the details).  The path for the Start Menu items is automatically adjusted when you use a custom location.

   For the GUI address field proposal to copy/paste the path... It's already there! Simply paste (or type) the path into the filename edit box, and it will take you there.

   For the Preferences suggestion: you have made a good point. I will fix with the next release. In the mean time, you can "fix" this for new installations for your users by tweaking the preferences file (prefs_v2.ini), as follows:

-->WarnOverwrite= 0

-->WarnOverwrite= 1
   Thanks for the suggestions!

-----------  ADDITIONAL INFO --------------

Additional Notes for the IT Department

Customized Installations (Switches)

   For custom installations, you can also create a "batch file" that runs the installation program, and you can use the following switches to have the installation program run the way you want it. For example, use:

    * /S for silent installation, and
    * /D to specify a custom installation folder (to override the default which is C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect) Warning: this will not work on Windows Vista & Win 7 due to the new restrictions in that Operating System.

   So, step by step, you would do the following:

         1. Open Notepad,
         2. Type the following:  "Install PDFR Pro.exe" /S /D=X:\Folder\Sub-Folder
         3. Change "X:\Folder\Sub-Folder" to whatever you need.
         4. Save the File as "Install_Pro_Silent.bat" (or something similar) in the same folder where the installation program is located.
         5. Double-click the batch file to run it.

   Alternatively, you can create a shortcut with the command line switches described above instead of a Batch File, or you can enter the command using the Start Menu >>> Run... command.
file:///C:%5CUsers%5CMICHEL%7E1%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml - file:///C:%5CUsers%5CMICHEL%7E1%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml - file:///C:%5CUsers%5CMICHEL%7E1%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml -

Posted By: Cakewalker
Date Posted: 06 Oct 10 at 11:55AM
Can Startup Directory be set to the same directory as the file the PDF is being created from? When, say, Word sends a data to print (or to PDF reDirect) is the path of the Word file as well as the filename sent?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 07 Oct 10 at 1:00AM

   Unfortunately, the calling program (Word, Excel, etc) only provide (sometimes) the filename in the printer output file, but not the path of the original file - so there is no way for PDF reDirect to know where that would be.

   Sorry - I am afraid that we are out of luck.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: David_Carle
Date Posted: 25 Aug 11 at 2:30PM
One annoying aspect of the User Interface (2.2.8 and also 2.5) is that when using a screen resolution of 1024 x 768, the Preferences form is too high, and can't be resized. The icons for General to Stamps are OK, but the one below (Batch Printers?) shows the icon but not its caption.  If there are any options below it then they are inaccessible. Likewise, on the Batch Printers 'page' if there are any options below "Lock PDF File" then they cannot be accessed.
Please could you reduce the height of the form, or provide scrollbars.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 26 Aug 11 at 2:08AM
Hi David,

   I agree. I have fixed this for v2.5.5 (currently not released as I am adding some other features/fixes).



Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Hlund
Date Posted: 31 Aug 11 at 11:56AM


I has Win 7 Home Edt. and I has managed to install PDF Free version on a different disk and it works. I followed your instruction and made a bat file.

My file went out like this:

"Install_PDFR_v252.exe" /S /D=D:\Program Files (x86)\PDF reDirect

I ran it in a CMD window and then it was installed Smile

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 31 Aug 11 at 9:23PM

   Great news! Thanks for letting us know of your progress.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: MichealJhon
Date Posted: 20 Oct 11 at 1:48AM

I would also like to know about the Import feature as well. How many file formats are converted to PDF by PDF reDirect Pro Beta?

I have voted for the Scanner Support & Export feature. I really reckon your company for making PDF easy.


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 Oct 11 at 1:06PM

   Actually, I am concentrating on an export feature to TIFF, BMP, PNG. I was not considering an import feature (apart from the scan-to-PDF one).



Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: kartunes
Date Posted: 15 Nov 11 at 11:14PM

I just started using this program and really like what I see. One thing I would love to see is bookmarks made at the beginning of each pdf included in a merge. Being a student, I often merge professors' slide sets. This would make it very easy to navigate between them.


Posted By: kartunes
Date Posted: 20 Nov 11 at 5:27PM
Actually I just realized that bookmarks are wiped out on merge. At least bookmarks should be preserved. Maybe this should be posted somewhere else?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 21 Nov 11 at 12:47AM

    Thanks. I have programmed a fix to at least preserved bookmarks. This will be in the next release.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: kartunes
Date Posted: 01 Dec 11 at 7:35PM
That's great! Thanks.

Posted By: mccla5214
Date Posted: 03 Dec 11 at 4:45PM
I have been using PDF Redirect Pro for quite a while and the only thing I don't like about it is working with multiple prints. After I print the first time if I don't close Redirect, the next time I print it will save the file under the filename I give it but it will be the PDF I printed the first time. The only way I have been able to stop this is to close Redirect each time I print and then let it open again.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 04 Dec 11 at 12:40PM
Hi Mike,

   I believe that what you will find is that as you print more PDF files, they will be added to the "Merge List" and therefore the PDFs you save will have the 1st PDF, and the 2nd, etc. in the resulting PDF.

   You have two options to fix this:

1. Select and delete the old Printer Output files from the Merge list before clicking the "Save" button, or

2. Go into the Preferences >> General >> and Select (check) the option that says "Empty the Merge List after saving"

This should fix the problem for you. Smile


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: gdmerioles
Date Posted: 25 Jun 14 at 7:44PM
Hi Mike,

I am loving PDF redirect Pro. Million kudos to you!

With that I was hoping you are able to create a customized format for small organizations.

There isn't much that we need customized apart from the following:

-     Retrieve attached image file name and automatically prefill Title section of PDF Information.

-     Add option to use image as a Watermark. Use the attached image (png, jpeg tiff etc) to the file as a Watermark.

-     Have an option under Watermark settings to stamp all plans excluding 1st page or last page.

-     Is it possible to set FTP connected to Dropbox or Google drive. I am not sure if this is the same as API Protocols.

I am willing to purchase multiple licenses if the software is customized exactly to our members requirements.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 25 Jun 14 at 9:54PM
Hi gdmerioles,

Thank you for your for your suggestions – which are excellent.

    I have added them to my “todo” list for an upcoming version. Sometimes, I do custom/immediate changes, but currently, I am on a full time assignment abroad, and have very little spare time, and will not be able to make the changes you requested right away (sorry).

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: ja-kid
Date Posted: 25 Jan 16 at 4:03AM
The present version 2.5.2 does not seem to warn you when you are about to overwrite the same file name, I hope version 3.0 has corrected that issue? Previous versions before 2.5.2 did ask, "if you are sure you want to overwrite".

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 27 Jan 16 at 7:06PM

Good news - that feature is already there.

Please check the Preferences >> General >> PDF Overwrite, and change the setting to "Warn"

I hope this helps,


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Nước
Date Posted: 31 Aug 23 at 10:12AM
Tôi yêu cầu ra phiên bản mới hỗ trợ windows 11 và hỗ trợ tiếng việt. Người việt nam dùng ứng dụng này rất nhiều và trả phí nhưng lại không được hỗ trợ. Phiên bản beta 2.5.7 bị khoá không cài đặt được

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