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ActiveX with Delphi, Pricing & Licensing

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Programming
Forum Discription: VBA and Batch Tools to control PDF reDirect Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 6:41PM

Topic: ActiveX with Delphi, Pricing & Licensing
Posted By: David_Carle
Subject: ActiveX with Delphi, Pricing & Licensing
Date Posted: 05 Nov 09 at 2:58PM
Hi Michel
I am considering integrating PDF reDirect Pro with an existing Delphi 5 application. I understand that Delphi supports ActiveX controls, but I have a few questions for you. I appreciate that Delphi may not be your language, but maybe other developers can help too.
1. Would a Delphi application that used the ActiveX control run if it was not installed?  (Not all of my customers would require PDF printing, and I'd rather not install software on their systems that they won't use).
I definately don't want to ship an update of my exe that doesn't run because that customer doesn't have PDF reDirect Pro. 
2. Is the software licensed per end-user or per site (ie my customer) or do you have a developer licence that allows PDF reDirect Pro to be "included" with another application?  If so, can you advise of costs.
3. Do you have any code samples for Delphi?
4. Is it a single ocx file, or how many?
Thanks for your help, and keep up the good work!
Regards, David

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 05 Nov 09 at 11:56PM

   In your Delphi documentation, look up instructions for how to declare ActiveX components. Hopefully, you will be given the option to do late binding rather early binding.

   If you choose late binding, then your program can work even if the ActiveX component is not installed, although you might need to trap the error that is raised when trying to access the component (if it's not there).

   The software license is a "per user" licensing model, so you would need to purchase a copy of PDF reDirect pro for each user, although the price can drop to as low as $1 per user with volume licensing. For people that only want to use the Batch printer feature or the ActiveX component, we can look at the Server version of the program.

   Unfortunately, I do not have Delphi sample code. The DLL does require that PDF reDirect Pro be fully installed for each user. Anything else would require a customized version of the program - which can be expensive to get from me. Nonetheless, I have done that for others by request.

   I hope that helps. If you want to discuss addtional details, please contact me through my e-mail  at exp (at) exp-systems(dot)com.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Todelete
Date Posted: 04 Apr 12 at 3:04PM
Some Delphi users claim that there is a problem in the charting control, XChart. It has trouble understanding the variant returned by UltimaSerial. - java programmer

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