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Feature requests: Topic Timer

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Category: Meeting Timer
Forum Name: Using Meeting Timer
Forum Discription: Questions, Comments and Bug Reports on Meeting Timer Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 6:52PM

Topic: Feature requests: Topic Timer
Posted By: Drewster
Subject: Feature requests: Topic Timer
Date Posted: 07 Oct 09 at 2:47PM
I recently facilitated an all-day workshop. Meeting Timer was a HUGE hit! Everyone loved it. A beep with 5 min to go always elicited a whispered chuckle or a glance from the presenter. The bosses loved seeing the Red topic overrun. The conference was online and I had remote folks asking for MT as well. A number of questions and observations were raised; I’ve grouped them by category and am posting a separate forum topic for each category. For your consideration:

1. I like how control+click adds time. Can you have shift+click subtract time? I will use control+click to set initial time but if I need to subtract along the way (during topic), which has happened on occasion (revise agenda on the fly), that would be nice instead of resetting the topic timer because then the blue bar resets.

2. To retain the effect of showing portion remaining in the case that the duration is changed on the fly can you add an option to set duration and remaining times for topic? Left-click on Topic to bring up a dialog box to enter duration and remaining times would be handy.

3. Can you add a Topic Cost, like you have Meeting Cost, whose formats are editable and can be positioned at top or bottom of Topic Timer?

4. Can you display the cost of an overrun when a topic overrun occurs?

5. Countdown Timer custom time format--to get 5 hours the following don't work: 5.00:00, 5.00, 5:00:00. 300 works. Is there a format to specify multiple hours? Could you get h:mm:ss to work, so that if there's 2 colons the number before the first colon is hours?

Great app!! Kind regards.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 08 Oct 09 at 11:40PM
Hi Drew,

   Yes, absolutely. On all counts. Never thought that anyone would want a topic timer over an hour, but yes, I'll fix this. I am glad to see you figured out that you could enter "300" for 5 hours. I had tried to "120" for 2 hours for grins to make sure it would work.

   What I will tell you is that things (used to) get messy if meetings roll over midnight. That took me a day of programming to fix that bug. Smile

   Thanks for all of your comments/posting. good stuff. You got me all excited at updating the program. (someday)


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Drewster
Date Posted: 09 Oct 09 at 11:11AM
Hello Michel, thank you for the reply. I'm excited you find these suggestions worthy of consideration. I'm excited to see how you incorporate them. Meanwhile, I'll continue to woo and wow folks with MT Pro.

Oh... and thank you for fixing that midnight bug. As I work with global teams that issue may arise.


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