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error code : -100

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Installation Errors
Forum Discription: Installation Errors and Workarounds
Printed Date: 16 Feb 25 at 12:13PM

Topic: error code : -100
Posted By: yinhello
Subject: error code : -100
Date Posted: 23 Apr 09 at 5:27AM
I am the user of PDF redirect Pro, i am using a long time, but i don't know for what reason that i use this software also, but cannot conver to PDF when i setting all location and the output file name.
always display a :
" PDF Generator [Ghostsript] Error (Error Code : -100) File not created"
Can help to settle on this case, i havn't this software, is so inconvenience ~~~
So, please help me to settle this case.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 Apr 09 at 11:46PM

   I am sorry to hear of the problem.

   There are three reasons that the -100 error can occur:
  1. You are trying to print a PDF file from Adobe's PDF Reader to create a new PDF. Adobe used to prevent this (particularly encrypted PDF files), but it now seems to work OK with PDF Reader v9 for normal (un-encrypted) files.
  2. You do not have Read/Write access to your Windows Temp directory. This is very rare, but can happen if your IT department has locked out that folder, or
  3. The printer output contains bad data causing the -100 error.
    Hopefully this will help you troubleshoot the cause, and find a way around the problem.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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