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Missing Paper Size?

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 7:09PM

Topic: Missing Paper Size?
Posted By: Hiroki
Subject: Missing Paper Size?
Date Posted: 28 Sep 08 at 3:26AM
I'm using a Lexmark printer (upto A4 or Legal size).
I can't find other sizes (such as B4-JIS, B5-JIS, etc.) at paper size.
So I'm using custom size, however it bothers me to type paper
size on "Custom Size" each time.
I checked "Printer Server Property" as shown on other topic, I could
find such sizes existing but no appear in Printer Property.
Could you help how other sizes appear in the list, or how to customize
paper size list.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 28 Sep 08 at 6:34AM

   I'm sorry, I do not understand. Is the problem with the Lexmark printer or with PDF reDirect?

   I agree that typing a "custom size" is very annoying because it is not permanent. There is a permanent way to add customized paper sizes which is provided by Windows, but it might not work if the Lexmark printer has set it's maximum paper size to something smaller. Have you seen the instructions [ - here ]?

   I am curious: what do you use in Japan for your standard paper size? America uses "Letter" and "A4" in Europe.

   I am almost ready to release PDF reDirect v2.3.0 and added Japanese Unicode support. Would you be interested in completing the translation?

   Best regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Hiroki
Date Posted: 28 Sep 08 at 8:50AM
Hello and Thanks again.
It maybe the problem with PDF reDirect.
Yes, I have checked the instruction.  On [Server Properties], all sizes are
already set up and shown on the list.  However, on [Printer Setup/Print]
for PrintMusic,, as for example, some sizes (such as B1-B5)
are not shown in the pulldown list.  Lexmark's supports such smaller ones.
FYQ, standard paper size in Japan is A4.  Also B4/B5 for student's
worksheets & printouts, also for some documents.
So, in Japan, Photocopier in convinience stores, offices, schools supplies
A3, A4, B4 and B5.
Regarding Japanization, sounds nice.  So far Japanese translation is
on major functions only, which is at-least-enough.  I could check the rest
when I have a plenty of time.
Thank you.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 28 Sep 08 at 9:13AM
Hi Hiroki,

   OK, I understand. I will do a test to see if I can duplicate the problem.

   I will send Japanese translation instructions (Excel file) in a few days. I really appreciate the help. I will also send you a free license to "PDF reDirect Pro" as a thank you.

   Best regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Hiroki
Date Posted: 30 Sep 08 at 8:28AM
Much appreciated.  I have Calc, so some Excel file won't
fully do for me.  So could you please coordinating files (plain text, or non-
macro spreadsheet, etc. which is convertable in anyway.)
Thank you.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 01 Oct 08 at 7:28AM
Hi Hiroki-san.

   I downloaded and installed OpenOffice. I think I see the problem. I am doing more testing today, and will post an answer later today.

   Best regards,


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 02 Oct 08 at 7:27AM
Hi Hiroki-san.

   Unfortunately, I was unable to fix the problem. It looks like OpenOffice does not take it's paper size list from the printer that it is connected to, or at least ignores some of the paper sizes that exists in the printer. For example, it is also ignoring paper sizes A0, A1 on my computer.

   I researched their help file, but had no success. I also did a search on the web - and what I found in the OPenOffice forum ( is that Open Office only supports a set number of paper sizes, and for everything else, the user is expected to manually enter the paper size. Also, it does not accept anything than "300" as an input, so for large paper sizes, you might hit that limit too.

   Unfortunately, it sounds like this is a problem with OpenOffice rather than PDF reDirect.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Hiroki
Date Posted: 08 Oct 08 at 9:08AM
Thanks for your verification.
On papersize limitation of, I got it.
I think it depends on each application, what papersize is available.
Except the limitation such above, I found that same list is shown up
on each accesory/application - Notepad, etc.
On Japanese software, same papersize shown up.  However, PDF reDirect
is not fully localized, just message translation only.  Each application picks
up the papersize for each country as default, and/or has own setup, I think.
Could you check on this.  Hope makes sense.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 08 Oct 08 at 9:32PM

   Thank you for your follow-up. I will look into it. So far, I see that I can localize the names of paper sizes, but I see no feature to limit the list, but I'll go back and take a look.

   Yes, it does make sense - I understand. I just need to see if Windows does have a feature to limit the display of paper sizes. I did a quicj search on the Microsoft Developer Network, so far, I did not see anything like that.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Hiroki
Date Posted: 01 Nov 09 at 8:50AM
Now I understand on adding paper size on printer property.
Thank you for adding Japanese B-sized ones.
Regarding some paper sizes--such as "ARCH", "ANSI"-- I could found the definition recently.  Because they are not familiar with Japanese, also was unable to see any annotation so far.  So I'm collecting information to find any sizes and compatibility.
Thank you.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 02 Nov 09 at 1:26AM
Hello Hiroki-san

   Ok, let me know. In the mean time, please try Beta v2.2.918 which has better Japanese translation. It's available [ - here ].

   Best regards

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: fabaum
Date Posted: 29 Sep 10 at 1:18PM
I found the problem (or how to solve it):
On Windows:
  • Open the Printer Explorer
  • Click on the "File" menu
  • Select "Server Properties" in the menu list
  • Find and delete the A1 paper size
  • Create and save another A1 paper size (59,41cm x 83,96cm)
  • Done!

    The plot with AutoCAD is working again with the A1.Big%20smile

    Posted By: Michel_K17
    Date Posted: 29 Sep 10 at 10:52PM
    Hi Fabaum,

       Thanks for the tip.

       I have similar instructions on the forum somewhere, and in the latest version (v2.5) there is a new "Custom Paper Size" feature where you can do the same thing as what you described from within PDF reDirect. It's located in the Preferences >> Printer Properties >> Custom Paper Size.


    Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
    EXP Systems LLC

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