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Upgrade VB6 to VB8 Express Edition

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Topic: Upgrade VB6 to VB8 Express Edition
Posted By: JackR
Subject: Upgrade VB6 to VB8 Express Edition
Date Posted: 13 Jan 08 at 1:00PM
I tried to upgrade the VB6 project to VB8 Express Edition. I received errors as follows:
Type Printer is not defined( Shown twice)
Name Printers is not declared.

In reviewing the upgrade report I noted that Visual Basic PowerPack Library Is Missing . I downloaded the library and tried to upgrade again but reveived the same errors.

I am not a programmer and therefore could be spending hours trying to figure out something that could be done easily.

Do you have any plans on upgrading the sample code to VB8 Express.

Also, Is there an easy way of setting up drag & drop capabilites to your sample. To be more specific, I would want to drag the files to the exe file. The exe program would start with the list of files to print already populated. You can then add or subtract from the files to print.

Posted By: JackR
Date Posted: 21 Jan 08 at 10:31PM
I figured out how to get the code needed to run my application in VB8.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 22 Jan 08 at 1:01AM
That's great! Smile

Sorry for not posting back to your original post. Somehow, I must have missed the e-mail notification. My fault.

I added your drag-and-drop feature request to my "todo" list for a future version.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: fsubulldogs
Date Posted: 23 Mar 09 at 6:26PM
I am having the same issue as JackR, any suggestions?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 Mar 09 at 10:30PM
Which? The VB8 issue, or the drag-and-drop request?

Either way, I have not worked on either one. The VB8 "Printer" object does not exist in VB8. When Microsoft reworked the language, they tried to be more consistent in the use of Objects. It's more "logical", but can make for lengthy code to get to the object you want.

So, for the printer, you may find that you need to do something like this:

I hope that helps.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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