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Multiple Page error

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: PDF reDirect Pro Beta
Forum Discription: Beta Download, Comments, & Feature Requests for the future
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 6:57PM

Topic: Multiple Page error
Posted By: SS88
Subject: Multiple Page error
Date Posted: 13 Dec 07 at 3:02AM
I am using it to create PDF files from VB application which I would like to send by e-mail automatically.
I am successfully able to send if the pdf file contains 1 page but the problem arises if pdf file is more than 1 page, if more than 1 page then it is sending only the last page.
Kindly let me know how to fix this.

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 13 Dec 07 at 8:31PM
Do you have any code that I can look at? It's hard to fix something that I cannot see. Smile

You can it to me at exp [at] exp-systems [dot] com


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 18 May 08 at 3:12PM
    Thanks for the sample code, although it looks like it is missing other portions of the code. Particulatly, how are you ensuring that the pages get merged together? Did you set the merge option manually via PDF reDirect Pro >> Preferences >> batch printer settings, or do you set it programmatically by changing the Merge option to "OW_Append"
    As I see it, you have three options
    1. Set the Batch printer "overwrite" option in PDF reDirect Pro to "Append" like this:
PDF Overwrite = Append Output to Existing File
    2. Set it programmatically like this:
oPDF.Settings_Overwrite = OW_APPEND
    3. Or, print all three outputs (1st page, middle and last page) to three separate PDF files, and then merge them together using an array of the files you want to merge (I called it Files_to_Merge in my sample below):
oPDF.Utility_Merge_PDF_Files("C:\MergeTest.pdf", Files_to_Merge)
    I hope this helps. See below for sample merging code that you can use. If you do it this way, you can then send the e-mail afterwards (once the PDF is finalized) using this function: oPDF.Utility_Send_Email
     Best regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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