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Share" the PDF (batch) printers

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: PDF reDirect Pro Beta
Forum Discription: Beta Download, Comments, & Feature Requests for the future
Printed Date: 19 Sep 24 at 6:57AM

Topic: Share" the PDF (batch) printers
Posted By: John
Subject: Share" the PDF (batch) printers
Date Posted: 28 Aug 06 at 10:50AM

"However, the ability to "share" the PDF printers (with the User Interface or the Batch Printers) will be added in the next release."

Is this already implemented in the current beta release? (Ready for testing...)


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 29 Aug 06 at 8:42PM
Hi John,

   Well, yes and no. Yes, it was implemented actually nearly five versions ago (something like v2.1.7) but I have not advertised it, because it did not work as I intended.

   When I made the promise, I had not realized that a "shared" printer runs on the host's computer. I thought that the Port Monitor code would run on the client's computer, but, on a shared printer, all of the data processing occurs on the host computer, so My Port Monitor code which activates the user interface end up running on the host computer, not on the client's computer.

   This problem does not occur with other PDF creators that present the user interface as part of the printer driver, and before the PDF is created. So, that makes their product more "shareable" (the good news), but they have none of the cool functionality of PDF reDirect which includes "post-creation" abilities.

   What I plan to do for corporate users that want to install PDF reDirect on a shared drive, is to provide a "thin client" installation script that installs the printer and port monitor only (should be quite small). It is not the same as a full fledged "shared" printer, but will give the same end-result.

   Yes, that "thin client" version will be available with the next Beta.

   I am also adding a "PDF reDirect Server" product which will provide a "server" license model rather than a "per user" license model. This will help those users that need to use PDF reDirect in a semi-automated environment with no or minimal user interaction.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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