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Imossible to print (error -100)

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 16 Feb 25 at 1:48PM

Topic: Imossible to print (error -100)
Posted By: alevox
Subject: Imossible to print (error -100)
Date Posted: 11 May 06 at 10:59AM
I have always used the version 1.4 (I think...) with winXP sp2 without problems but since some days it give me an error -100 and don't work.

I have installed the newer version 2.1.7 but I still have the problem

Some ideas ?

Thank you and excuse me for the english


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 12 May 06 at 12:08AM
Your English is fine.

Looking at the log, it looks like the printer output file was written, but remained locked out for some reason:

131,61091.02,"CA",45,"**** Could not open temporary file "

I have seen this problem happen once before, but it went away after a reboot. I have not been able to duplicate it, so I was unable to troubleshoot/fix this error.

My suggestion:
  1. reboot the computer,
  2. run PDF reDirect manually
  3. go into the Pregeferences, and choose "Check Web for Updates": this will upgrade you to v2.1.9.
  4. Try creating a PDF again: does it work better now?

Hopefully this will fix the problem.


Posted By: alevox
Date Posted: 12 May 06 at 2:54AM

Thank for your reply.

I update to 2.1.9 and reboot many times

but without success.

I try also with other programs (such as PDFcreator)

but the problem is the same.

It depends on Ghostscript drivers ???

I'm sure that something happens because last week I

worked easily with the older version, maybe a software installed.

I'm sorry because I think PDFredirect is a very very good software!

If you have any suggestion...

Thank You



Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 13 May 06 at 11:02AM

   You are right: it does seem like something happened and got corrupted. Since you have Windows XP, you can "roll back" your computer to a time when things were OK. Have you considered doing that?

   That feature is called "System Restore" and is located in the "System" Control Panel.

   Another option to fix the problem would be to simply re-install PDF reDirect and see if that fixes the problem.


Posted By: alevox
Date Posted: 15 May 06 at 8:38AM


the system restore was disabled (ooops..!) but with

a registry cleaning (with RegSeeker ) and some softwares

uninstalled IT'S ALL OK!

Thank you again for your support.


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 16 May 06 at 12:38AM
Good news! Thank you for the update.



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