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doesn’t work well with foxit reader

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 16 Feb 25 at 1:11PM

Topic: doesn’t work well with foxit reader
Posted By: jade
Subject: doesn’t work well with foxit reader
Date Posted: 13 Mar 06 at 10:31AM

I'd like to get rid of the massive adobe acrobat stuff from an old laptop i inherited, a toshiba portege that runs on windows ME. It only has 4Gb hard disk so I really have to take out huge programs. So I downloaded and installed PDF redirect and Foxit reader to replace the Acrobat 5.0 installed.

When I tested it, both Foxit and Redirect worked fine with my existing PDF files (created from Adobe). So then I tried if they could work together and they don't seem to. Foxit would only display the pictures and no text, and when opening the redirect files from adobe there is an error message about a "configuration problem" which was only fixed when I reverted acrobat for opening pdf files.

is redirect only designed to work with adobe pdf reader?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 13 Mar 06 at 7:28PM
Hello there,

   Actually, I use FoxIt Reader here, and it works well. I suspect that you lost the "file association" setting on your computer. PDF reDirect will use whatever PDF Reader you have set as the default reader on your computer.

   The "file association" are typically set automatically during the installation of the Adobe Reader, or the FoxIt Reader, but you can also set them manually by using Windoes Explorer. Start Windows Explorer, then choose Tools >> Folder Options. Finally, select the "File Types" tab and scroll down to the "PDF" file type. Whatever program you have selected to Open PDF files here is what PDF reDirect will also use.

   You mentioned FoxIt not displaying the text in PDF files created with PDF reDirect: I have not experienced this problem. In fact, PDF reDirect uses the FoxIt PDF viewing engine to display the "preview" in PDF reDirect. I purchased the rights to their technology because theirs is by far the fastest viewing technology out there.

   If you continue having difficulties, please let me know, and we can see if changing the font settings might help you fix the problem. Try "Automatic" and "Outline" in the Printer Properties: you may find that one works better than the other.

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