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Merge list empty

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 11:14PM

Topic: Merge list empty
Posted By: carlos
Subject: Merge list empty
Date Posted: 06 Dec 05 at 11:43PM


I'm sorry if it is a dumb question, but I can't find anything in the help pages to solve the problem.

I'm testing your Beta for terminal services ( Windows 2003), and sometimes I'm having a problem that I can't create, save or email the PDF file. When I click save or send I receive the error: "Nothing to save ( Merge list is empty)", but I don't want to merge anything, just save the file or email it. In fact I don't see any preview. Is there anyway to disable the merge option or how can I create single documents?

Thank you

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 07 Dec 05 at 12:38AM

   No such thing as a dumb question.

   The merge list will be empty if you start the program manually, via the "Start menu". If you "print" to the PDF reDirect Pro v2 printer, then you should have the current print job in the Merge list (just that one file).

   If you want to e-mail an existing PDF file, or you can drag it from the Files list to the Merge list (see the picture below).

   If you are using the "print" command, and the merge list is empty, then something is not right and I will need to investigate. First, I would make sure that you are using the latest version (v2.0.907) as it has fixed a compatibility issue with W2003 Terminal Services.

   I hope that helps. Please expand on the problem further if these hints do not help. i.e. "I do this, and then this happen" would be helpful in troubleshooting.

Posted By: carlos
Date Posted: 07 Dec 05 at 1:09PM
Thanks for your help!!

I was using v2.0.905 and I updated to 907 and it looks like the problem is solved. I'll keep testing it and if I find anything else I'll let you know.

If the details of my problem are useful for you, here they are:

1.- Printing from a Foxpro application
2.- Selected PDF Redirect Pro printer
3.- PDF redirect started automatically
4.- Once in the PDF Redirect, no preview of the file or any document in the merge list.
5.- When trying to save or email the file I received the error: "Nothing to save ( Merge list is empty)"

Thanks again!

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 08 Dec 05 at 12:03AM

   Thank you for the feedback. I think what you are describing was indeed the problem with v2.0.905, now fixed. But, by all means, let me know if you find any other problems, particularly that I am getting ready to "officially release" this version in ~2 weeks.


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