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Reinstalled now lost it altogether

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Installation Errors
Forum Discription: Installation Errors and Workarounds
Printed Date: 17 Sep 24 at 11:21PM

Topic: Reinstalled now lost it altogether
Posted By: greenIT
Subject: Reinstalled now lost it altogether
Date Posted: 03 Nov 14 at 4:12AM
Hi Forum hope someone can help me,

I was helping a friend install PDF redirect over the phone click by click, and so went through the screens on my computer too and in reinstalling I've now lost all pdf redirect and it wont itsallt or come up in Printers list, in fact now I cant even press 'Add Printer" - it's totally wrecked!

Need to know how to fix / reinstall please!!

Thanking you


Command Line is: -i -l1033 -e
Language to use is: English
Resolve APPDATA Folder
Checking if PDF reDirect is already installed......IT IS NOT.
Attempting to remove old pdf reDirect Printer Driver......NOT THERE.
Look for old pdf reDirect Port Monitor......NOT FOUND.
Remove old pdf reDirect Port Monitor......NOT REMOVED. (3000)
Minor or Expected Error 53/3000

Delete old Port Monitor DLL......SUCCESS.
Copy new pdf reDirect DLL......SUCCESS.
Installing new PDF reDirect Port Monitor......SUCCESS.
Check if Port is installed.....NOT THERE
Installing PDF_REDIRECT_PORT:......DONE.
Determining Path to Printer Directory......SUCCESS.
Copy Postscript Printer Driver Files......DONE.
Installing Postscript Printer Driver......FAILED
Determining Path to Printer Directory......SUCCESS.
Copy Postscript Printer Driver Files......DONE.
Installing Postscript Printer Driver......FAILED
Error Code =2
Wait for Printer to be installed..............................................................
...Printer failed to install after 30 sec.
Error Occured as follows:
- Error# = 0
- DLLErr = 1801
*      ERROR MESSAGE      *
Sorry. An error occured while ...Printer failed to install after 30 sec.
   - Error Number = 0:
   - DLL Error Number = 1801: The printer name is invalid.

This error may occur if the Windows Print Spooler is currently "BUSY".

You can try the following:
   1. Reboot your computer and then try installing again, or
   2. Restart the Print Spooler Service and then try installing again.

If the error persists, you may not have permission to install/remove printers. You can:
   1. Contact your computer administrator for help, or
   2. Visit the forum on our web site for help.

Do you want to visit our support forum for help on installation errors?

*       MEMORY DUMP       *

pData() As Byte =
0 = 0
End pData()

MyDriverInfo3 As DRIVER_INFO_3
.cVersion As Long = 3
.pConfigFile As String = PS5UI.DLL
.pDataFile As String = PDFR_NST.PPD
.pDefaultDataType As String = RAW
.pDependentFiles As String = PSCRIPT.NTF
.pDriverPath As String = PSCRIPT5.DLL
.pEnvironment As String = Windows NT x86
.pHelpFile As String = PSCRIPT.HLP
.pMonitorName As String =
.PName As String = PDF reDirect Pro
End MyDriverInfo3

MyPrinterInfo2() As PRINTER_INFO_2
Index = 0
    .pPrinterName As String =
    .pDriverName As String =
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String =
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
Index = 1
    .pPrinterName As String = Microsoft XPS Document Writer
    .pDriverName As String = Microsoft XPS Document Writer
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String = XPSPort:
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
Index = 2
    .pPrinterName As String = Fax
    .pDriverName As String = Microsoft Shared Fax Driver
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String = SHRFAX:
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
Index = 3
    .pPrinterName As String = Brother HL-4040CN series
    .pDriverName As String = Brother HL-4040CN series
    .pServerName As String =
    .pShareName As String =
    .pPortName As String = IP_192.168.1.28
    .pLocation As String =
    .pComment As String =
End MyPrinterInfo2()

MyMonitorInfo2 As MONITOR_INFO_2
.pDLLName = PDFreDirectMon64.dll
.pEnvironment =
.PName = PDF reDirect Monitor
End MyMonitorInfo2

MyPrinterDefaults4Delete As PRINTER_DEFAULTS4Delete
.pDatatype As Long = 0
.DesiredAccess As Long = 983052
End MyPrinterDefaults

.dwBuildNumber As Long = 7601
.dwMajorVersion As Long = 6
.dwMinorVersion As Long = 1
.dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long = 148
.dwPlatformId As Long = 2
.szCSDVersion As String * 128 = Service Pack 1
End OSInfo

64bit CPU = 1

hPrinter As Long = 0
MyKey As String =
MyKeyString As String =
MyKeyValue As Long = 0
Result As Long = 0
MyError As String = Sorry. An error occured while ...Printer failed to install after 30 sec.
   - Error Number = 0:
   - DLL Error Number = 1801: The printer name is invalid.

This error may occur if the Windows Print Spooler is currently "BUSY".

You can try the following:
   1. Reboot your computer and then try installing again, or
   2. Restart the Print Spooler Service and then try installing again.

If the error persists, you may not have permission to install/remove printers. You can:
   1. Contact your computer administrator for help, or
   2. Visit the forum on our web site for help.

Do you want to visit our support forum for help on installation errors?
Level As Long = 3
pNeeded As Long = 76
I As Long = 30
InstallPrinter As Boolean = True
ShowErrors As Boolean = True
System_Dir As String = C:\Windows\system32\
MyUserAppPath As String = C:\Users\Aspire\AppData\Roaming\PDF reDirect\
Monitor_DLL_Name As String = PDFreDirectMon64.dll
Printer_Driver_Dir As String = C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF reDirect\Drivers\Win XP64\
System_Printer_Dir As String = C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64
Generic Error Code as Long = 0
DLL Error Code as Long = 1801

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