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Is it a performance problem?

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Citrix & Windows Terminal Server (Beta)
Forum Discription: Questions and Answers for Server Environments
Printed Date: 26 Jul 24 at 8:07PM

Topic: Is it a performance problem?
Posted By: Simon581923
Subject: Is it a performance problem?
Date Posted: 18 Aug 05 at 5:49AM


Today is not my day. I am deep in a big trouble of the system.

I am using Oracle 9iAS R1 Reports Service and with PDF reDirect to be the PDF output engine.

The users sometimes complained that the reports service claimed a report job crush error, the report failed to print out by the batch PDF printer. 

We tried to re-run the report job, and it sometimes worked, sometimes failed. However, we could get the correct PDF output after re-run one or two times.

Another situation is after the system got the PDF output file, the report program execute an URL command and send the PDF file to the client's browser for browsing the report output. For example:

WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT( http://localhost:7777/PDF/TEST.pdf - http://localhost:7777/PDF/TEST.pdf );

But, sometimes I got an 'No page found' error page. I pressed refress button on the top of the IE and the PDF file show normally.

Well, it maybe not the topics I should discuss in this forum. However, would you please give me some suggestions?

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 19 Aug 05 at 1:43AM
Hi Simon,

   I will investigate the job creation error: I haven't seen any here, but I'll see if I can duplicate the problem. Which version of Windows are using? Is this on a Server? Also, are you using the Beta version (2.0.900) of PDF reDirect Pro?

   For the browser output, I think the problem might be a path refresh problem, or that Windows has not released or fully created the file. Are you using Java, or VB Script? You could try renaming the file to the same name. If it works, then you will know that the file is available. If it fails, you can place a delay loop.

   No worries about using the forum, or you can use my e-mail address: it's your choice! :)

Posted By: Simon581923
Date Posted: 19 Aug 05 at 3:36AM

Hi, thank for reply. I'll check the program and make a delay loop.

It is Oracle Developer Suite, not JAVA or VB Scripts.

I'm using Windows 2000 Server SP4, plus Oracle 9iAS R1 and PDF reDirect v2.0.15.

Posted By: Simon581923
Date Posted: 25 Aug 05 at 6:24AM

I have written a delay loop. And it works now. However, I want to suggest my boss to upgrade our servers.

Thank you.

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