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Error when saving

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 20 Sep 24 at 4:50AM

Topic: Error when saving
Posted By: bustakaps9
Subject: Error when saving
Date Posted: 13 Mar 13 at 10:42AM
I have several different file types that I am printing directly to PDF Redirect.  When I try to save the PDF, I get an error.  The logging is below.  I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling to no avail.  I have also tried just doing each of the printed documents separate to see if it had to do with the doc type, but that hasn't worked either.  Any help is greatly appreciated!
71,1189459,"CA",3,"START LOGGING: 3/12/2013 7:43:07 PM"
71,1189464,"CA",4,"Language = English - Unicode Mode = False"
71,1189468,"CA",5,"Determine User's Temp Folder Location"
71,1189470,"CA",6,"   ...Failed. TestFileWrite (Path is empty)"
71,1189474,"CA",7,"   ...Success. TestFileWrite: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\"
71,1189477,"CA",8,"Windows Version: 2- 5.1.2600  Service Pack 3"
71,1189479,"CA",9,"AppData Path: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\"
71,1189481,"CA",10,"CommonAppData Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PDF reDirect\"
71,1189483,"CA",11,"Resources Path: C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\"
71,1189485,"CA",12,"Temp Path: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\"
71,1189487,"CA",13,"Thumbnails Path: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Thumbnails\"
71,1189490,"CA",14,"Temp Path for Unicode Users: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\"
71,1189492,"CA",15,"Get Command Line Data."
71,1189494,"CA",16,"-> UniqueID is: 001189375"
71,1189495,"CA",17,"   - Find the Settings File for PDF reDirect v2"
71,1189501,"CA",19,"   AN UNEXPECTED ERROR HAS OCCURED in LoadBatchSettings"
71,1189505,"CA",21,"-> Document Name is: 2013 Quota File"
71,1189506,"CA",22,"-> UserName is: 311832"
71,1189508,"CA",23,"-> Who started me is =  1"
71,1189511,"CA",24,"Load Library C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\bin\gsdll32.dll..."
71,1189518,"CA",25,"   ...Success."
71,1189520,"CA",26,"Start GS stdio. Code = 0"
71,1189522,"CA",27,"GS Version (Code = 0)..."
71,1189523,"CA",28," ->Revision=815"
71,1189525,"CA",29," ->RevisionDate=20040922"
71,1189527,"CA",30," ->GS Set Poll returns: 0"
71,1189529,"CA",31,"Load Library C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\jpeg4exp.dll..."
71,1189531,"CA",32,"   ...Success."
71,1189584,"CA",33,"Loaded QuickPDF Library v7.18 ( 1 )"
71,1189586,"CA",34,"Load Library C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\cbak4exp.dll..."
71,1189588,"CA",35,"   ...Success."
71,1189608,"CA",40,">>> UI_Msg = Buffer"
71,1189610,"CA",41,"---------- RECEIVED EVENT -----------"
71,1189611,"CA",42,"DJVS1C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\*C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf*-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0*False*False"
71,1189614,"CA",43,"START: Convert PS to PDF"
71,1189616,"CA",44," "
71,1189620,"CA",46,"START FileNotBusy and run for 10 secs."
71,1189623,"CA",47," - File: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\"
71,1189626,"CA",48," >> SUCCESS: FILE AVAILABLE"
71,1189629,"CA",50,"Checking for existence of C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf"
71,1189631,"CA",51,"Recheck Settings = -P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0"
71,1189633,"CA",52," ->Set Device to -dProcessColorModel#/DeviceRGB"
71,1189635,"CA",53," ->Convert CMYK images to RGB = True"
71,1189640,"CA",54," -> Run GS..."
71,1189717,"CA",55," ->GS Returns: 0"
71,1189738,"CA",56," "
71,1189741,"CA",58,"START FileNotBusy and run for 5 secs."
71,1189743,"CA",59," - File: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf"
71,1189745,"CA",60," >> SUCCESS: FILE AVAILABLE"
71,1189748,"CA",62,"   ...Success."
71,1189750,"CA",63,"Force Rotate the PDF Pages if requested"
71,1189752,"CA",64,"Add Web Links if requested = 0"
71,1189753,"CA",65,"Return to UI Message = True"
71,1189754,"CA",66,"GENERATE EVENT: DJVSTrue"
71,1189962,"CA",67,">>> UI_Msg = Buffer"
71,1189964,"CA",68,"---------- RECEIVED EVENT -----------"
71,1189966,"CA",69,"TIMR2C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf**C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Thumbnails\8514001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0_"
71,1189968,"CA",70,"START: Create_Thumbnail. Parameters = TIMR2C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf**C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Thumbnails\8514001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0_"
71,1189970,"CA",71,"Create_Thumbnail Start: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf"
71,1189973,"CA",72,"Calculate Security Settings"
71,1189975,"CA",73,"Close PDF..."
71,1189977,"CA",74,"rtn (3) = 3"
71,1189978,"CA",75,"rtn (7) = 7"
71,1189982,"CA",77,"Load Library C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\vpdf4exp.dll..."
71,1189984,"CA",78,"   ...Success."
71,1189989,"CA",79,"GENERATE EVENT: #P12 1"
71,1190021,"CA",80,"FPDF_CloseDocument 17185784"
71,1190023,"CA",81,"Return to UI Message = "
71,1190025,"CA",82,"GENERATE EVENT: TIMR"
71,1205308,"CA",83,">>> UI_Msg = Buffer"
71,1205311,"CA",84,"---------- RECEIVED EVENT -----------"
71,1205314,"CA",85,"DUEQ7C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\*Test*C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf"
71,1205318,"CA",86,"START: Merge PDF Files."
71,1205321,"CA",87," -> One Input File. Copy it directly to Output."
71,1205325,"CA",88," -> Input: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\001189375-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0.pdf"
71,1205327,"CA",89," -> Output: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Test.pdf"
71,1205344,"CA",90,"Return to UI Message = -1"
71,1205347,"CA",91,"GENERATE EVENT: DUEQ-1"
71,1205634,"CA",92,">>> UI_Msg = Buffer"
71,1205637,"CA",93,"---------- RECEIVED EVENT -----------"
71,1205640,"CA",94,"NDFZ4C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Test.pdf*"
71,1205644,"CA",95,"START: Open PDF File."
71,1205647,"CA",96,"Open PDF File: C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Test.pdf"
71,1205660,"CA",97,"Check if PDF is encrypted..."
71,1205664,"CA",98,"... It is not."
71,1205667,"CA",99,"Return to UI Message = 1"
71,1205670,"CA",100,"GENERATE EVENT: NDFZ1"
71,1205960,"CA",101,">>> UI_Msg = Buffer"
71,1205962,"CA",102,"---------- RECEIVED EVENT -----------"
71,1205967,"CA",104,"START: set view/info of PDF"

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 13 Mar 13 at 7:19PM

   I am sorry to hear of the problem.

   What is the error message that comes up on the screen? I don't see any errors in the log, but the log seems incomplete, because it shows that the output file was created in the Temporary folder here:

C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Test.pdf

   But the log does not show the transfer (move) of the file to it's final destination.

   Or does the program lockup?

   Kindest regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 13 Mar 13 at 7:27PM
Can you also check if the temporary file is there, and is proper (ie not corrupted):

C:\Documents and Settings\311832\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Test.pdf

That will also help with the troubleshooting.


Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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